採收下來葡萄是沒辦法清洗的,直接就集體送到大桶子裡榨汁。就是電影裡演的那種一堆人手拉手,褲腳捲起,光著腳丫子採葡萄。某些機器採收葡萄的大型酒莊, 有時會連一些過熟或未熟成的葡萄一起採收,順便將葉子,小蝸牛也收進桶子裡。



1. 從1993年開始到2003年之間,用在葡萄園的殺菌劑(fungicides)成長了22%.
2. 三分之一所抽檢的含化學農藥殘留物的葡萄酒都跟葡萄園噴灑殺菌劑有關。

相關全文報導請回朔之前的blog 文章。

A Growing Problem
• The cultivation of grapes is exceptional in being associated with substantial amounts of inorganic sulphur – a relatively non-hazardous chemical used to protect against powdery mildew. Since 1993 the use of inorganic sulphur in European grape production has declined by 39% as European grape farmers abandon sulphur in favour of hazardous synthetic fungicides. Between 1993 and 2003 the dose of synthetic fungicides applied to grapes increased by 22%.

• Over one third of the total residues detected in the bottles of conventional European wines relate to fungicides recently adopted by European grape producers. A further third of residues identified relate to classes of fungicide whose use in grape production has escalated substantially over the past decade. The presence of these pesticides in conventional wines confirms the link between the escalating use of synthetic fungicides in European grape production and the changing nature of wine contamination.


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